How To Prepare For Both JEE Mains 2019 Papers?

JEE Mains 2019 studying

First and foremost there are going to be two exams held in the year 2019. First in January and Second, as it usually is in April.

Although I like the idea of conducting the exams twice a year which is evidently copied from SAT exams but as they say "Even cheating require skill"  they forgot that SAT has the course of upto 10th standard whereas JEE Mains has the course 11th + 12th and even a bit higher. Okay, it is done and dusted that there are going to be two papers so let's move further ahead.

Now, how students are going to prepare for the exams and how should they study and what to do in these 5 months left for the january exam as of now (9th August, 2018) and what to do in the 3-4 months between the papers.

SO, For people who are dropping like me and are presumed to have a certain knowledge of 11th and 12th. I have a certain time table created for them which they can use to study various topics.

Schedule for JEE Mains in 5-6 Months

Note : This is my interpretation of amount you might need in certain chapters so if you feel different about feel free to apply your own schedule. Here : 1.5 weeks mean 10 days and if there are two chapters for it you can divide 5 days each for them.


  1. If you follow this schedule you might wind up in the 2nd or 3rd week of January 2019 but what I recommend is don't force yourself to do a certain chapters or topic in certain amount of time cause if you are not able to do it you might feel let down and may hamper your progress afterward and even if you are left to do some chapters till the beginning of January its fine as you have another 2-3 months to cover your left topic.
  1. I'd say that depending on which date you give exam in January (between 6 to 22) try to stop studying new things a month in advance and try to give as much as sample paper possible.
  1. Don't try to think about marks. Just concentrate on studying and don't try to think about the outcome like how much marks you can make and searching the web for how to get 200+ marks et cetera.
  1. Don't take pressure as if you don't make it , it is not the end of the world and there are a million more opportunity waiting for you and at the end of the day it all pays off.
  1. Instead of getting distracted by your device try to other activities so you could get distracted from your device, like try to exercise daily as you don't want to develop obese just by siting at one place to study and eating it may lead you develop bad health. Fun Fact : when you exercise first thing in the morning your mind becomes proactive and your concentration becomes 2x.
  1. Last but not the least try to develop new habits as well along with studying for your entrance test. What I mean by that is try to learn new skill along your academics since you are not going to study 24 hours a day or whatever time you're awake till you sleep (just in case you do, it is not advised to do that) and free time shall not go to doing nuisance instead try to make yourself better.


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